by Dudley Horque

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What on earth are you doing looking at the Cast Page for Dog the Spot? If you've read any of the strip, you should be well aware that there are no characters. Not even Dog the Spot is a real character... it's just a splodge of... we something splodgy.
Well, since you're here, we might as well pretend that there is a cast, and pretend to tell you something about them.

Dog, the Spot
Dog is a spot of something... possibly ink. Indeed, back in 1989, when Dog first appeared, he was definitely a spot of ink. After those first 4 strips, when Dog returned in 2006, he was more of a splodgy bundle of pixels. Unlike any other spot that I've ever seen though, Dog possesses a sense of self awareness, which makes him unique. If there was to be one key attribute Dog possesses which puts him in the class of being a character, that'd be the one.

Very early on in the strip, Dog felt the presence of something other than himself in the limited universe of his strip. In an almost human moment, Dog decided that this must be a supreme being. Of course, the reality is that Dog exists in a two dimensional world, and if he were to have any sensory abilities, they would have to have been purely one dimensional. So, just like humans who don't bother to look at the world rationally, he assumes that anything he can't explain quickly must be supernatural.

Dudley Horque
In the words of Groucho Marx, "Hey! That's me!" Breaking the fourth wall, I have been referred to in the strip, and probably will be again. Truth be told, every word in the strip is mine. Keep that under your hat though... knowing it would destroy Dog's whole world-view. Just like tetragrammaton, you never see me. Unlike tetragrammaton, I am real.

Difference, the Spot
A one-off gag character. Unless he returns.

Deliberate Mistake teh Spot
Another one-off gag character. Unless he returns.

Various Spot Family Members of Varying Colours
Not even really characters.

A butterfly
An early non-Spot image.


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